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映像と木 Film and Wood

執筆者の写真: 小林大賀 Taiga Kobayashi小林大賀 Taiga Kobayashi


Ancient Recorder





In the short film I’m making there are some things that I have been doing until now. For example play writing, direction, acting, computer effects, trance costume and so on. Wood work is one of them. I call this weird desk “Recorder of ancient age”. This desk’s function is to roll long long paper never end. Ancient poets including Homer didn’t write texts. Scheherazade in Arabian night also has never written texts in the story. I thought that it’s funny if there was recording media for ancient story teller. This might be a kind of anachronism.

Stage of the film is inside of an architecture something like temple. I’m making it as miniature with combined wood boards. I use chisels to make surface texture. It’s difficult to make smooth curving shape since surface material of boards, but this rough curving looks as rock I want it to be seen. My wife helped curving last night.

In art school I was in craft design course. After graduation I was thinking I may not have chance to do wooden craft works. But there was gap between reality and my assuming. In fact I have been doing wood work sometimes. I made wooden furniture for share house where I was staying. It was instead of staying fee. I needed to connect my unsystematic experiences and interests. Then I mixed film and wood craft.




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